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Setting up a business – what you should think about…

So, what do you need to think about when setting up your business? Whether you’re starting out or growing your business, here are some key points to think about. 

  • What exactly is your business?

  • How do people benefit?

  • What makes you different?

  • Who is your target client?

  • Why are you passionate about what you are doing and why is it important to you?

  • What is your vision for your business?

  • Who is your competition?

  • Know your strengths and your weaknesses

  • Are you seeking company of others who have been successful?

  • Do you have self-belief, even when your knocked back?

Written by Indy Agnihotri of IA Consulting + Finance, specialists in providing finance/accounting services that generate you more profits and cash. With a happiness and fulfillment mindset.

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