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Enjoy! I definitely got important things to say

Agreements v expectations

There is a powerful distinction useful in just about every area of life: expectations vs. agreements. Most of us have expectations. Expectations about how life should go and how people should behave.

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Are you a Giver, Taker or a Matcher?

Building a successful business comes through service and giving. Really you ask? Yes. A great book, ‘Give and Take’, talks about there being 3 types of people in the world: ‘givers’, ‘takers’ and ‘matchers’. What are you? Did you know which of these are most successful? And which are the least successful (the doormats of […]

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The truth alone is not enough

I recently encountered a situation. A situation that has no turning back. After raising a company £millions and continuously offering so much support to them and even waiving tens of thousands of pounds of fees for them. I was forced to resign.

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Setting up a business – what you should think about…

So what do you need to think about when setting up your business? Whether your starting out or growing your business, here are some key points to think about.     What exactly is your business?    How do people benefit?    What makes you different?    Who is your target client?    Why are you […]

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indy Comment
How poor is your Soul?

Mother Teresa called it the ‘deep poverty of the soul’ that afflicts the wealthy and said this poverty of soul in the western world was deeper than the financial poverty she saw in other parts of the world.

How Poor is your Soul?

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Emyth – the start-up issue

The Small Business Cycle At each stage of business development, you’ll face unique challenges. As a start-up, you might be struggling with time management issues because, let’s face it, you’re probably still doing most of the work yourself. You might be at the stage when you realize that you need help managing all of the business […]

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indy Comment

Do YOU want to create something incredible in 2018?
Then it’s time to get really specifIc. It doesn’t need to be ‘possible’.

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Toms shoes – growing a successful business consciously…

Some of you will have heard of Toms – the shoe manufacturer. Their unique selling point is for every shoe you buy they give provide a free one to a child in need. I just read a book by their founder, Blake Mycoskie. A serial entrepreneur, showing how he did what he did. Here I summarise some of his key points in setting up in business.

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Money is like water

Did you know. Money is a carrier of our intentions, money is energy, and money is an opportunity to nourish those things we care most about.  

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What is it you would love to CREATE in your business? And WHY?

What is it you would love to create in your business? What is it you really want? And why is this important to you?These questions often form the basis of what I ask business owners when I work with them. And often more than once over a period of time. It is amazing just how much you uncover from their responses. It really is powerful.

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indy Comment